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Our Team

Managing Director - Richard Peters

Richard has been with the company for 18 years having previously worked in the medical devices sector with particular empahasis on SCBU, ITU and operating theatres. Richard`s interests include golf (trying to hold onto his scratch handicap), football (Pompey), and travel. Richard can be contacted on 01908 227851 or

Internal Customer Relations Manager (Southern England and Ireland)
- Zoe Wootton

Zoe has been with the company for 10 years having previously worked in the Dental industry for over 20 years as an Orthodontic, Implant & Oral Surgery Dental Nurse. Outside of work Zoe enjoys live Music, Wildlife & Gardening. Zoe can be contacted on 01908 227851 or

Internal Customer Relations Manager (Northern England and Scotland)
- Sarah Gatley

Sarah has been with the company for 2 years. Outside of work Sarah enjoys travelling to music concerts both in the UK and abroad. Sarah can be contacted on 01908 227851 or


Accounts and Marketing - Lucy Woodnutt

Lucy has been with the company for 16 years having previously worked as a retail manager. Interests include spending time with her family, walking the dogs and visiting theme parks! Lucy can be contacted on 01908 227851 or


Stock Controller - Amanda Robinson

Amanda has been with the company for 10 years with a total of 25 years in logistics and stock management. Away from the office when Amanda isn’t running marathons she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and walking her rescue dog Tom. Amanda can be contacted on 01908 227851 or

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